Discovering Ketts Lough. In 2022 IPCC received funding support under the Heritage Council’s Community Grant scheme to explore Ketts Lough and develop online resources for you to learn about this wetland habitat.
International Support for Curlew on Lodge Bog. IPCC received international support from Seacology in California to undertake species conservation and public awareness activities relating to the breeding Curlew on Lodge Bog.
€40,500 for IPCC Bog Network. In 2017 and 2018 IPCC received grants of €28,500 and €12,000 from the Heritage Council to carry out a variety of conservation and education projects at four of our reserves.
Contact Us
The Irish Peatland Conservation Council can be contacted at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre, Lullymore, Rathangan, Co. Kildare, R51 V293, Ireland. Tel: +353-45-860133; Email: bogs@ipcc.ie