Tag Archives: Conservation

February Wildlife Watch – Snowdrop

The start of Spring brings one of the first well known wild flowers to our communities, the Snowdrop (Plúirín sneachta). The arrival of the snowdrop is considered a sign that the worst of Winter is over.    Although the snowdrop escaped … Continue reading

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February Wildlife Watch – Frog

This month the Irish Peatland Conservation Council launches its annual Hop To It Frog survey asking members of the public to send their frog sightings to the Bog of Allen Nature Centre. The Common Frog (Loscann Coiteann) Ireland’s only species … Continue reading

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January Wildlife Watch – Hare

The Irish hare (Giorra Éireannach) is a native mammal that is widespread in Ireland.  They can be found both in upland and lowland grassland, bogland or coastal habitats and even in urban environments such as retail/office spaces in located on … Continue reading

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Busy Start to Spring at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre

PRESS RELEASE: A Busy start to Spring at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre Friday 30th January 2015 February is the start of Spring and a busy time of year at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre.  Over the coming days … Continue reading

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January Wildlife Watch – Earthworms

In winter when we think of wildlife often hibernation comes to mind.  However decomposers are active throughout the winter months.  Many decomposers are invertebrates (species without a backbone), they turn organic material such as autumn leaves or the waste in … Continue reading

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Get your hands dirty and volunteer in 2015

PRESS RELEASE:  9th January 2015 Get your hands dirty and volunteer in 2015 The Bog of Allen Nature Centre in Lullymore, Co. Kildare is run by a charity, the Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC).  The IPCC are always looking for volunteers … Continue reading

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Lullymore Bog gives up its Secrets

PRESS RELEASE: THURSDAY 4 DECEMBER 2014 Lullymore Bog gives up its Secrets An extraordinary abundance and richness of natural and cultural heritage has been identified in Lullymore in Co. Kildare. In just a relatively small area of 20,000ha studied,  49 wetlands, … Continue reading

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Practical raised bog conservation action at Girley Bog

PRESS RELEASE: 26th August 2014 Practical raised bog conservation action at Girley Bog On Sunday 31st August between 2-5pm the Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC)  invite you to celebrate Heritage Week with us on our newest nature reserve Girley Bog Co. … Continue reading

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Community-led Conservation of Girley Bog

PRESS RELEASE: 13th May 2013 Community-led Conservation of Girley Bog Work on the The Irish Peatland Conservation Council’s (IPCC) newest nature reserve is well underway this spring. With bogs in the spotlight more and more Girley Bog in County Meath is … Continue reading

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Tracking Nature’s Calendar

Tracking Nature’s Calendar at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre Press Release: 15th April 2014 Tracking Nature’s Calendar brings rewards at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre. The longer days, higher temperatures and bright sunshine are all signs  to inform … Continue reading

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