Tag Archives: Bogs

Quirky facts about bogland biodiversity

Press Release Quirky facts about bogland biodiversity  16.5.2024 The boglands of Ireland are a habitat to some fascinating plants and animals that have adapted very quirky ways to live on these wet and windswept landscapes.  To celebrate National Biodiversity Week … Continue reading

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You are invited to Féile an Dúlra 2023

PRESS RELEASE You are invited to Féile an Dúlra 2023 5th May 2023 The Irish Peatland Conservation Council has launched its annual Féile an Dúlra for 2023, which runs from February to September. The festival kicked off on World Wetlands … Continue reading

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IPCC are hopping you become a citizen scientist and join the Hop To It Frog Survey 2023

PRESS RELEASE IPCC are hopping you become a citizen scientist and join the Hop To It Frog Survey 2023 2.2.23 Each year the Irish Peatland Conservation Council co-ordinate the Hop To It Frog Survey, Ireland’s longest running Common Frog survey. … Continue reading

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International Bog Day 2021: Taking Action for Peatlands

Press Release  International Bog Day 2021: Taking Action for Peatlands 19th July 2021         On the 25th of July, the Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC) are celebrating International Bog Day 2021 by hosting an event from 2-5pm, … Continue reading

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IPCC Welcome the Imminent Publication of the 100th Irish Wildlife Manual

PRESS RELEASE IPCC Welcome the Imminent Publication of the 100th Irish Wildlife Manual – The Habitats of Cutover Raised Bog by National Parks & Wildlife Service Monday 27th July 2020 The Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC) welcome the imminent publication … Continue reading

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Shocking degradation of Irish Peatlands needs Action Plan with Climate focus

Press Release issued for 8th July 2020 IPCC – Shocking degradation of Irish Peatlands needs Action Plan with Climate focus The Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC) are undertaking an independent review of the status of Irish peatlands to inform a Peatlands and Climate … Continue reading

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Celebrate Ireland’s only Native Frog Species on World Frog Day 2020

Press Release 13th March 2020 Celebrate Ireland’s only Native Frog Species on World Frog Day 2020 On the 20th of March 2020 celebrate World Frog Day with the Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC) by becoming a citizen scientist and submitting … Continue reading

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IPCC Extend a Warm Welcome to HRH King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands

Press Release 13th June 2019 As King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands begin their 3 Day State visit to Ireland Dr. Catherine O’Connell along with the staff and volunteers of the Irish Peatland Conservation would like to extend a … Continue reading

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Found a Fascinating Frog? Time to Join the Hop To It Frog Survey 2019

Press Release 28th January 2019 On World Wetlands Day, 2nd February, the Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC) are launching their 2019 Hop To It Frog Survey and this day also marks the beginning of Féile and Dúlra 2019, IPCC’s festival … Continue reading

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Bird survey highlights the importance of conserving Girley Bog

PRESS RELEASE 2nd October 2018 Bird survey highlights the importance of conserving Girley Bog A recent bird survey on Girley Bog NHA, Co. Meath reveals the importance of the site for Ireland’s breeding bird populations. 29 species of bird were … Continue reading

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