IPCC’s Environmental Education Programme
If you are thinking about school visits this year for your students, the Irish Peatland Conservation Council would be delighted to welcome you to the Bog of Allen Nature Centre, near Rathangan in Co. Kildare. We offer a range of programmes of study to help your students at primary or post primary level to explore and learn about wildlife. All of our programmes are linked to the national curriculum, so on visiting our centre your students will combine fun and active learning in one step.
Please download our brochure: bogofallennaturecentreschools
Primary Schools
Choose from two programmes:
- Discover Primary Science ‘Walk on Water Ecology of Bogs’ links with the DPS Surface Tension and Bubbles activity sheet and extends it to a field study investigation of a bogland habitat.
- Learning Outside the Classroom – Primary Science. This programme includes a guided visit to the Peatland Nature Museum at our centre, a quiz and a choice of two further activities from the following list: pond dipping, woodland mini-beasts, traditional Irish cottage, nature crafts, multi-sensory earth walk, visit to Lodge Bog (a conserved raised peatland) and flytraps insect eating plants.
Alternatively we provide visits under the Heritage in Schools Scheme. ‘Bringing Bogs into the Classroom’ offers your students an opportunity to study a peatland local to your school or indeed simply study peatlands within their classroom.
Post Primary Schools
Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate Science, Ecology and Geography field studies are catered for. Please contact us to arrange a programme to suit your needs. You can choose from the following activities:
- Animal Tracks and Signs
- Plant Identification and Adaptations to the Bog Environment
- Pond Dipping: quantitative study of invertebrates, food chains and webs
- Bog Formation: bog in a bottle
- Quadrat Study: wet and dry bog habitats
- Transect Study: the effects of turf cutting on bogs to include water table measurements and Sphagnum and heather mapping
- Belt Transect Study: plant zonation on the bog
- 20 field studies survey methods: (measuring abiotic and biotic features of habitats and landscapes)
We also cater for students who simply want to learn about the wild Irish Boglands such as CSPE or transition year classes which costs €8 per student (2 hour visit).
We also offer an all about compost DIY course. This is ideal should your school be taking part in the green schools initiative or if you are simply interested in reducing the amount of waste leaving the school grounds. The composting courses can be held either at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre or at your school.
Costs and Inclusions
- Three hour programme for primary school students – €6.50 per student
- Five hour field studies course for secondary school students – €15 to €18 per student
- Two hour visit for Transition Year or CSPE costs €8 per student
We only have one school on centre each day. All equipment and materials are provided and the trips are led by enthusiastic guides.
IPCC have plenty of resource packs for Primary and Post Primary schools available from our Nature Shop. Some of the most commonly used educational resources can be downloaded for free.
If you are interested in bringing your group to visit our centre or inviting IPCC to visit your school, please email us at bogs@ipcc.ie or give us a call on 045-860133 to reserve a date for your visit and your chosen programme of study. If you would like to come out and visit the centre before making your decision, IPCC would be happy to meet you and guide you through our programmes of study. You can also contact IPCC through our online enquiry form below:
Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Bog of Allen Nature Centre, Lullymore, Rathangan, Co. Kildare. Email: bogs@ipcc.ie; Tel: +353-45-860133.