Heritage in Schools Visits

Screenshot 2023-04-04 at 12.36.52The Irish Peatland Conservation Council are representatives on the Heritage in Schools Scheme of the Heritage Council.

 The Heritage in Schools scheme aims to generate greater interest and appreciation of our heritage in primary schools in a practical and teacher-friendly way. It is hoped that, in turn, teachers and pupils will be encouraged to leave the classroom to enjoy their local heritage at first hand. In the long term, we hope that schools will establish relations with many of the Heritage Specialists and with the Heritage Council so that heritage matters will have a real and vibrant role in our primary schools.

Bring Bogs to Life in your Classroom

The programme that the IPCC offers is a half day study per class and it can be held within the class or on a local peatland depending on the location of the school.

The hands-on workshop includes:

  • Formation of Boglands including making a ‘bog in a bottle’
  • Bogland Flora identification
  • Bogland Fauna including identifying live freshwater invertebrates
  • Bogland archaeology
  • Time permitting: nature craft

If your school would like a trained educator of the IPCC to visit please express your interest below. We will confirm dates with you and provide you with further instructions including booking on line with the Heritage Council.

Contact Us
The Irish Peatland Conservation Council can be contacted at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre, Lullymore, Rathangan, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Tel: +353-45-860133; Email: bogs@ipcc.ie