Category Archives: News

Peatlands, people and politics

Boggers offset carbon footprints in restoration project

PRESS RELEASE 3rd October 2018 Boggers offset carbon footprints in restoration project Leading peatland conservation group restores to life 64m2 of cutover bog on Girley Bog Natural Heritage Area, Co. Meath Thanks to funding from the Heritage Council and the … Continue reading

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Bird survey highlights the importance of conserving Girley Bog

PRESS RELEASE 2nd October 2018 Bird survey highlights the importance of conserving Girley Bog A recent bird survey on Girley Bog NHA, Co. Meath reveals the importance of the site for Ireland’s breeding bird populations. 29 species of bird were … Continue reading

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Bogs a flutter for heritage week

15th August 2018 Bogs a flutter for heritage week The bogs of Meath and Kildare will be a flutter with activity during Heritage Week 2018. The Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC) will be connecting people with nature during their four … Continue reading

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Peat Crossing Borderlines – Sharing the Dutch-Irish Save the Bogs Story

PRESS RELEASE 25th July 2018 Peat Crossing Borderlines – Sharing the Dutch-Irish Save the Bogs Story Leading peatland conservation group to host ‘Peat Crossing Borderlines’ event to celebrate International Bog Day as part of European Year of Cultural Heritage. The … Continue reading

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Jewels of the boglands pageant during Biodiversity Week 2018

PRESS RELEASE For immediate release  17th May 2018 Jewels of the boglands pageant during Biodiversity Week 2018 Leading peatland conservation group to run a series of  public entertainment events focusing on the elaborate and colourful nature of Ireland’s bogs. The … Continue reading

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Green light for Curlew Conservation Action in the Bog of Allen

PRESS RELEASE 27th April 2018  Green light for Curlew Conservation Action in the Bog of Allen Curlew conservation measures on a Kildare Bog have been given a boost by funding awarded by the Heritage Council. Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC) … Continue reading

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Conservation group to host event highlighting the plight of endangered Curlew

PRESS RELEASE 16th April 2018 Conservation group to host event highlighting the plight of endangered Curlew Leading peatland conservation group set to highlight the decline of endangered Curlew breeding on Irish bogs at Kildare event this weekend. The Irish Peatland … Continue reading

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A Frogging February

Press Release 1st February 2018 A Frogging February February is here and the sun is making its way higher in the sky with sunrise and sunset getting further apart everyday. This is also being heralded with a stir in one  … Continue reading

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Bogtastic wildlife year for Girley bog

PRESS RELEASE 7th November 2017 Bogtastic wildlife year for Girley bog The Irish Peatland Conservation Council are delighted to report a bogtastic wildlife year for Girley Bog in Co. Meath. Early in 2017 IPCC were awarded a funding from the … Continue reading

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Grazing donkeys help boost endangered butterfly populations on Kildare bog

PRESS RELEASE 18th October 2017 Grazing donkeys help boost endangered butterfly populations on Kildare bog The population of endangered Marsh Fritillary (Euphydyras aurinia) butterflies are at a record high on the Irish Peatland Conservation Council’s (IPCC) Lullymore West Bog Nature … Continue reading

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