Biodiversity Week at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre – a great success for wildlife

On Wednesday the 22nd the centre hosted a butterfly workshop where participants learned about the variety of butterflies in Ireland and while taking part in a butterfly walk identified the green veined white and speckled wood butterflies. A greater variety of butterflies can be seen at this time of year however it is essential the weather conditions are calm and sunny when searching for butterflies. Wednesday the 22nd was quite overcast with a moderate breeze keeping butterflies resting on plants.
On the 25th and 26th the Irish Peatland Conservation Council showcased their new biodiversity pop up displays at the Native Species weekend at Dublin Zoo. The IPCC would like to acknowledge the support received for these events from the Department of Environment, Heritage and Gaeltacht through their Notice Nature Campaign, Ireland’s public awareness campaign for biodiversity.
If you missed out on these events don’t worry, the Bog of Allen Nature Centre has loads more great biodiversity events throughout the summer including a biodiversity walk around Lullymore Island on the 21st July, IPCC’s Gathering weekend offers a guided walk on Pollardstown Fen on the 27th July and celebrates International Bog Day on the 28th July, from 29th July – 2nd August the Bog of Allen Nature Centre will be hosting its Wet and Wild Nature Camp for young explorers of biodiversity and on the 18th August the centre will enjoy a Heritage Week Open Day. So lots more to enjoy over the summer months at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre.
Further Information
For further information on any of these upcoming events visit or contact Nuala Madigan by phone on 045-860133 or by emailing