Peatland Factsheets provide information on all aspects of peatland wildlife, habitats, conservation, designations, and utilisation.
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IPCC monitors developments around Ireland and responds to invitations and public consultations to review policy documents. Here you will find the contact details of our Policy Officer, as well as significant policy documents and casework.
Ireland has wide range of important peatland habitats across the country. Discover a treasure trove of information on blanket bogs, raised bogs, fens, and bog woodlands.
Discover the wide range of unique bog plants that can be found in Irelands peatlands, such as the carnivorous sundew or the ‘bog building’ sphagnum mosses. Learn about the amazing life-cycles of the Large Heath Butterfly and the Marsh Fritillary, and gain skills in curlew identification.
Browse through our Peatland Action Plans and discover the main priority actions for peatland conservation in Ireland.
Have a look at our peatland glossary where you can discover the meaning of some commonly used terms relating to peatlands and their management.
Learn about previous research carried out by IPCC, such as testing the level of carbon savings of the restoration of peatlands and conducting sphagnum trials on bare peat on our reserves.
Discover facts and statistics about the loss of biodiversity in peatland habitats and learn about species that are on the IUCN Red List as well as how you can help.
Many peatland sites are now protected areas due to their valuable ecosystem services. Here you can find the many designation terms such as SPAs, SACs, NHAs and a list of some Irish Ramsar sites.
Take a look at IPCCs previous involvement and progress in protecting Irelands peatlands, as well as education campaigns such as the BioBog Biodiversity Awareness Project. Take a trip down memory lane and read the collected stories from people around Ireland about their memories of time spent on the bog. Discover how Dutch conservationists worked with Ireland to save peatland habitat through ‘the Dutch Foundation for the Conservation of Irish Bogs’.