
Irish Peatland Conservation Council Wildlife Watching, Bog Walks, Family Fun, Courses & Open Days

Screenshot 2022-04-20 at 11.07.23In partnership with Kildare County Council and the Irish Environmental Network in 2024 Féile an Dúlra, the Irish Peatland Conservation Council’s (IPCC) Festival of Nature focusing on peatlands and biodiversity will be hosted at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre and nationwide.   To follow you will find some upcoming events that you can take part in:

bog-day_logo-redlime_rgb3International Bog Day 28th July 2024 – Join the IPCC for a day to celebrate bogs at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre from 12 noon-4pm. The peat free wildlife gardens and peatland exhibition will be open all day with a guided tour at 12.30pm.  The IPCC will be also joined by Maynooth University who will host an information stand and present a talk at 1.30pm on the use of peat cores to track changes in climate through thousands of years.  The IPCC will also host a guided walk to Lodge Bog at 2.30pm with fun for young visitors pond dipping activity available all day. Light refreshments available.  All Welcome.

UnknownThe National Heritage Week 17th-25th August 2024 theme of Connections, Routes and Networks invites you to explore the links between people and communities, to look at what brings us together and what connects us. Peatlands have connected communities together for hundreds of years, so why not join the IPCC at one of our organised bogland walks exploring the natural heritage of these wet and wild habitats

Fenor walkFenor Bog walk – 17th August 2024 – Join the IPCC on Fenor bog to explore this rare Fen habitat and learn about its groundwater connection that allows this wetland to remain an alkaline Fen. Meet at Fenor Church of the Immaculate Conception Car Park 12pm. IPCC recommend participants wear strong footwear and appropriate outdoor clothing.

Heritage Week 23 Girley KBGirley Bog walk – 17th August 2024 – Join the IPCC for a walk on Girley Bog which connects people to this spectacular raised bog habitat. Meet at Girley Hall (C15PV21) 10am (please use the eircode and not the address for Girley bog). IPCC recommend participants wear strong footwear and appropriate outdoor clothing.

Educational school toursLodge Bog Raised Bog Plant Identification – 19th August 2024 – Join the IPCC for a walk to Lodge Bog where we will learn about bogland plants and how to identify raised bog flora using IPCC’s newly published peatland plant bog swatch. Meet at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre (R51V293) 11am. IPCC recommend participants wear strong footwear and appropriate outdoor clothing. Light refreshments at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre following the walk and talk and fun pond dipping activity for young participants. 

Brimstone 2MB Lullymore 03.04.24 LCGardening for Biodiversity and Lullymore West Butterfly walk – 20th August 2024 – Enjoy a guided tour of our peat free and chemical free gardens from 10am then head to Lullymore West Bog at 11am to explore IPCC’s butterfly reserve which is home to 26 of Ireland’s 35 butterfly species. Light refreshments at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre following the walk and talk and fun pond dipping activity for young participants. 


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Culture Night 20th September 2024 – Join The IPCC for a late night opening at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre event details to be announced in June.

All year IPCC offer citizen science skill-sharing days – e-mail to be added to the volunteer contact list where you will receive an email for all skill-sharing days.

You can follow us on Facebook for further information and photographs as the events take place.

Contact Us

The Irish Peatland Conservation Council can be contacted at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre, Lullymore, Rathangan, Co. Kildare, R51 V293, Ireland. Tel: +353-45-860133; Email:

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